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Posted about 2 years ago by Angélique Bernardo
Here is a short PHP script to query the reseller API, read the JSON structure and connect to each customer account to retrieve product usage KPI:
<?php define("SEPARATOR", "\t"); $server = ""; $apiKey = ""; $ssoToken = ""; $arrProfiles = array(); $startDate = date("Y-m-d\T00:00:00P", strtotime('first day of previous month')); $endDate = date("Y-m-d\T23:59:59P", strtotime('last day of previous month')); $fileContent = "Email" . SEPARATOR . "Client name" . SEPARATOR . "Partner ID" . SEPARATOR . "Plan" . SEPARATOR . "Creation date" . SEPARATOR . "Status" . SEPARATOR . "Logins" . SEPARATOR . "Accepted Appointments" . SEPARATOR . "New clients\n"; $clients = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://$server/api/2.0/resellers/accounts?apiKey=$apiKey&token=$ssoToken")); foreach ($clients->items as $client) { $nbRdv = 0; $nbLogins = 0; $nbNewClients = 0; if ($client->status == "enabled") { $arrProfiles[$client->profile->name] += 1; // Customer's usage report for last month $lastMonthStats = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://$server/api/2.0/reporting/full?startDate=$startDate&endDate=$endDate&apiKey=$apiKey&token=" . $client->ssoToken)); if ($lastMonthStats != null) { $nbNewClients = $lastMonthStats->crm->newClients; $nbRdv = $lastMonthStats->scheduling->newAppointments; $nbLogins = $lastMonthStats->login->count; } } $fileContent .= $client->email . SEPARATOR . $client->clientName . SEPARATOR . $client->resellerId . SEPARATOR . $client->profile->name . SEPARATOR . $client->created->dateTime . SEPARATOR . $client->status . SEPARATOR . $nbLogins . SEPARATOR . $nbRdv . SEPARATOR . $nbNewClients . "\n"; } file_put_contents(date("Y-m-d", strtotime('last day of previous month')) . "_report.tsv", $fileContent); // Number of customer account for each profile foreach ($arrProfiles as $profileName => $profile) { echo $profile . SEPARATOR . "enabled" . SEPARATOR . $profileName . "\n"; } ?>
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Here is a short PHP script to query the reseller API, read the JSON structure and connect to each customer account to retrieve product usage KPI:
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