API | How to create a single-use link for appointment scheduling

Posted 4 months ago by Angélique Bernardo

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Angélique Bernardo Admin

You can use this API batch to query our cipherUrl API and create an appointment scheduling link that can be used to book only one appointment: once the limit is reached, the link will show a "The link is invalid or expired" message. IDs when using cipherUrl API to prefill contact data into a short URL to the scheduling widget:

POST https://us.agendize.com/api/2.3/batch

    "requests": [
            "path": "/api/2.1/scheduling/companies/it-services",
            "method": "GET",
            "name": "get-location"
            "path": "/api/2.3/companies/${result=get-location:$.id}/cipherUrl",
            "method": "POST",
            "body": {
                "url": "https://app.agendize.com/web/widget?c=${result=get-location:$.id}&cs=false&firstname=John&lastname=Doe&phone=0766778899&[email protected]&service=follow-up&source=emailcampaign-singleuselink",
                "shortener": true,
                "numberOfAllowedAppointments": 1

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